Monday, September 24, 2012

The Variety of Uses in Bamboo

Do You know....

 That Bamboo has a wide variety of uses from building materials, food, to baby clothes? The shoots or new "culms" that come out of the ground are edible. They are used in numerous Asian dishes and broths.  It is known for it's sweet taste and good source of nutrients. In traditional medicine, the silicious concretion found in the young culms known as  "bamboo Manna" is said to be a tonic for respiratory disease. Bamboo Fibers are used to make fabric which is extremely soft, absorbent, antibacterial, hypoallergenic, UV resistant and Thermo-regulating. And of course, Bamboo is a great construction material because it is very strong, lightweight and extremely durable. The very dense fibers in each bamboo cane give the plant extreme flexibility, allowing it to bend without snapping and because of this amazing tensile strength Bamboo structures are known to withstand winds of up to 250 miles per hour! In earthquakes, a bamboo forest is actually a very safe place to take shelter, and houses made of bamboo have been known to withstand 9.0 magnitude quakes. For thousands of years bamboo has been the go-to building material for most of the world. It is believed that if bamboo were planted on a mass basis it could completely reverse the effects of global warming in just 6 years, while providing a renewable source of food, building material, and erosion prevention. That is why Bamboo is becoming the new "Eco-Exotic" wood of the future!